Denise, the writer

Justice: Is it Un-American?



Resurrection Farm newsletter

Meghan McKenna, in her tapes on justice in the Bible redefines it for us. God’s justice is that everyone gets what they deserve. And everyone, being a child of God, a creation of the Almighty, a beloved of the Creator, deserves life, a full life, a life of being valued for what they are and having what they need not just for survival but for dignity. Jesus said “I have come that you might have life and have it to the fullest.”

Can we accept that – that there are not worthy poor and unworthy poor, that there are only children of God? That we, in our own weaknesses, are fully deserving of life, that we were born that that right, that nothing we do earns us any more right to that then we had when we were born or that anyone else has. We do not earn our salvation, we do not earn our right to live by what we do, we do not justify our existence by working hard, by raising a family, by paying our taxes. We have that right from God, just as the disabled, the downtrodden, those whose “quality of life” is not high, those who society may label “useless” have the same right. If we deny that, we are on our way to Auschwitz, to the day when the disabled baby, the elderly, will be deemed less valuable and therefore disposable. When we judge people and assign them a “value” we open ourselves to the same kind of judgement. God’s economy is not our economy.

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